Art Instruction – 3 Options

In addition to making my own paintings I spend a significant amount of time teaching other artists.  Over the years I have taught hundreds of artists, both individually and in group settings. If you are interested in learning from me, please take a look at the three options below.

Virtual Study Program

Personalized Lessons and Critiques Delivered through Streamable Videos

In my virtual study program, I offer ongoing one-on-one instruction to a very limited number of artists who are looking to push their artistic skills. Entrance into the program is by application only. My aim is to draw on my own artistic education, knowledge and experience to help each of these artists achieve their individual artistic goals.

Learn more about the Virtual Study Program

Insightful Online Courses for Artists

I put together as a place to offer insightful online courses for artists. The current course available, called the Visual Drawing Tools, focuses on fundamental visual problem-solving strategies that are crucial for every realist artist regardless of their medium.


Painting a Still Life: Insights into Painting the Appearance of Form is a downloadable 74 minute instructional video that takes the viewer step-by-step through the creation of one of my still-life paintings. In the video I cover composing the setup, creating a preliminary drawing, transferring the drawing to the painting support via an oil transfer, creating a palette of premixed color strings, and a two-part painting process.

Learn More About Painting A Still Life